DawnStar Smash

DawnStar hosts weekly Smash Bros tournaments with a fun and friendly competitive community! All skill levels and ages are welcome!

Pre-register at

Follow our social media and join our Discord channel to keep up with dates and times for our tournaments! Our weekly events are hosted every Thursday from 6:00PM to 11:00PM at the shop, and the dates for our monthly ranked tournaments vary!

Our tournaments consist of Smash Ultimate and Smash Melee. Singles tournaments are always double elimination. We occasionally host doubles tournaments as well! Personal controllers preferred. Feel free to bring a personal set-up for friendly matches and/or tournament use.



DawnStar Quest

DawnStar Quest is our weekly Magic The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, and all things tabletop night! Come out and play some MTG Commander, Vampire: the Masquerade, Scythe, Yu-Gi-Oh, and whatever other games you'd like to play! Join our Discord to see what others are bringing or roll call for anyone interested in a game of your own! Join us every Monday from 6:00 - 10:00PM.


DawnStar Clash

DawnStar Clash is our FGC night! We host brackets for Street Fighter 6, Third Strike, Tekken 7 and more. Clash is held every other Wednesday from 6:00 - 10:00PM. If there is a game you'd love to provide, you are welcome to bring a set-up. Join our Discord to check what brackets we'll be running from week to week!


All events are proudly hosted at DawnStar! One-off, seasonal, and third-party affiliated events are always posted to our Discord, so be sure to stay up to date with other fun events by joining!


We would love to bring Smash, Quest, or Clash to your venue or private party! Email us with booking inquiries at